I just watched this movie, The Legend of Hell House, and it drove me absolutely bonkers. It's one of those movies that objectively isn't that great, but I can see myself watching this a million times because it looks so amazingly gorgeous. In a very particular way that seemed designed for my brain.

A lot of it has to do with this one character, a psychic played by Pamela Franklin (who I love, and is pretty much the reason I watched the movie in the first place). Her style is totally amazing. Forget what I said earlier about the psychedelic Bride of Frankenstein I found in Viva magazine. My new look is "oversensitive Puritan teenage psychic":

Please note that not only is ectoplasm streaming from her fingertips, she is dressed in a leotard, which you cannot tell from this photograph. But I mean. Doye, what else would you wear?

What else is required? Five thousand silver necklaces, and square toed red ankle boots. And giant collars and a weird cape/coat thing with puffy sleeves underneath. A body covered with cat scratches (way ahead on this one). And kind of a shitty dramatic attitude. I just realized this is totally not a summer look bee tee dubs.

What's up white/yellow Helvetica text on weirdly saturated color film making my brain freak out? Have you seen this website of all film title cards? Why am I such a nerd? Don't answer that. The guy who made this movie also made "Watcher In the Woods", so there you go.
first off... you and i need to get out of each others brains... i was JUST beaking it up about haunted outfits!!! and is that your new haircut??? no one knows.... ok next ....
"oversensitive Puritan teenage psychic" this is totally your new look..and summer is for lesbians... when you are a teenage puritan you can wear a cape all the time...next next... you are a nerd because god kissed you on the chin...wait..that's why i have a dimples..scratch that.... lastly..watcher in the woods is one of my all time favorite mind fucks... did i mention helvetica is for lesbians too....
p.s i am sooo pumped for the horseradish vodka!!!! my dad bought it for us which was super nice...he requested a tiny nip to be brought back in a lidded vessel...a reasonable request...
that's weird...I just saw the trailer for that on the DVD of "The Phantom of the Paradise" which was totally awesome!
I noticed it was rated PG? WTF? I like the part were dude is getting ghost-strangled by the fire place and his hands shoot up dramatically. That is some FINE acting!
I can't buh-lieve the movie was PG, it got so much worse than that! I am talking about sexual intercourse between humans and ghosts among other things!!
well I saw it in this movie, so yes.
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