when crystal lil and i get together witchcraft happens...
and haircuts happen and cocktail hour happens
and yummmmmy food happens..and we both learn alot about ourselves and each other.... i learned that i have 1950's best friend face...and crystal lil had an adult mouth even as a child..
we learned a new hand gesture that represents the Huxtables (from the Cosby show duh)

and we made horseradish vodka....
oh..and had a pizza party.... and learned that a Russian woman can lift 30 pounds with her lady bits... SICK...why does a person have to do that??? ugh!
basically...it's nice to remember all the things you love about your friends... especially when you live far away... basically crystal lil makes me feel like my bones are real... and it helps me have better posture and know what the color puce is... and when i'm with her i am able to find a entire collection of skin tone nylons and athletic sneakers...soooo glad we are friends!
You left your toofbrush
do the huxtable
it's a lesbian tooth brush.....
that top pic just reminded me that I used to have a whole set of those chairs, or at least I think I did, but I def. had more than one, and now it's just the one. That is like the one just regular sittin' dinner style chair I have in my house. That's life I guess??
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