i'm going to get real bossy right now:

let me start by saying this- i like wearing feathers in my hair as much as the next gal.... but i am getting really riled up lately by whity white pants dressing up like natives for super cool fashion reasons...and making paintings that are about totem poles and eagle magic.... and again- i say this with a love of eagle magic..but it's not mine... i can't flex it...cuz i'm white.

don't you think natives have had it bad enough ...having your land stolen.. being lied to ..stripping your cultural and religious identity...forcing foods on you that give your entire race incurable diseases... murder... rape and the fucking list goes on.... now you are fetishising them and making moccasins, beads and headdresses your latest "get funky get drunky" outfit. i will call it the "neon native" .... and i will cut your face

i really understand the intrigue and curiosity these ass wipes have with native culture.. i would go so far to say that i share it...but i think shit like this is super duper totally nasty....

didn't anyone ever tell you playing cowboys and indians is
RUDE.... especially with weird underpants on

there's a way to give a "what what" to native culture...like getting a dream catcher tattoo in a place where your bathing suit covers...
or going to a pow wow and supporting natives by buying the cool stuff that they make
.....and then there is a way to barf it up roll in it and set it on fire.... cut it out dudes...i have mace and i don't care if you have always wanted to fuck pocahontas!
how did you find these pictures, by googling "I would like to barf"?
also you are way more tolerant that me...if I went home with someone (white) and discovered a dream catcher tattoo in their swimsuit area? There would be a me-shaped cloud of dust where I previously stood, roadrunner/coyote style.
i have to admit...i have encountered a worse hidden N.A tattoo.... it was a naked luxuriously posed native woman with long braids wrapped up in a dream catcher!!! i think a dagger was involved too..it's hazy... but i let it slide cuz the dude was half chinook. in retrospect i should have jumped out the window immediately.
too bad im native......
-your brother
brother.....don't get me started... we ALL know you have a thing for pocahontis.... but you are really good at beading..i'll give you that! oh my god..i just remembered when you thought your "indian in the cupbord" toy would come to life it was so cute!... that was racist too....
but i peyote stitched myself a lighter cover and can make dream catchers like no ones business.... plus im adopted anyway. totally lakota. -broski
that's funny brothee- i was waiting until your 25th b-day to tell you you were adopted..you figured it out...but you are not native... you are 1/2 alien 1/2 crazy.but i love you like we are related...i just couldn't give you a kidney
funny you should mention that. crazy horse was lakota. hence im at least 1/4 native.
oh man.... you might as well be blood related! you have the family sass.... but for realz... we actually found you in the ditch by the creek. we didn't even pick you.. it's more like we stumbled upon you...but let me say agin...we love you.alot!
i like those dudes.
Um yeah and here is where I randomly direct you to the first Zero remix that I actually like.
Neon Natives = BIG in 2K7
focus brendan.focus.
Who knew this would spark such a controversy?!
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