Saturday, June 6, 2009

Cheech and Mom

so when i was a tiny little weirdo my parents had a very special kind of garden.... they had peas and beans, squash, tomatoes, spinach, carrots ..aaaand weed. the weed was in a different part of the yard and was protected so i wouldn't get into it..they gave me tutorials on what plants i could eat and which ones i should "never ever ever ever eat the smelly plants"...those days are sooo long gone... many decades have passed..and they traded growing weed for peonies, roses poppies, lilacs and any and every beautiful flower you can think is a bunch of bouquets i just made from the bounty they gave me.... none of them were smelly so i tried a petal...and now my tongue is itchy...... awesome


Mister Magic said...

I want those peonies so bad. i was actually eyeballing other peoples peonies all week. they are just opening... mine not so much.

Mister Magic said...

p.s. is your dad the cheech wizard???

Hank Ewing said...

Your parents - growing weed on purpose

My parents - got soil (back in the day) that magically grew weed (they got "free soil" from was apparently very good free soil!). My mom freaked out and had my dad destroy it a.s.a.p. for fear he'd lose his job because the all-knowing government would come after them.

Hank Ewing said...

oh, and the flowers are gorgeous...we were at my grandma's house in Eastern, WA and she has peonies the size of plates. She died four years ago and we (well, my parents) minimally take care of them, but they keep on coming. Amazing. I can't keep a rhodie alive and I'm here all the time. What's up with that?