Tuesday, June 23, 2009

the real me

The other night someone said to me..."you are the epitome of the sardonic mid-90's best friend".
Ok I guess.

Then last night some girl I just met asked me "oh do you do model-ing?" and I was like "WHY??? Did you see a photo of me somehwere? WAS IT ON THE INTERNET?? WAS I NUDE??" and she was like "uh.....no you have really nice bone structure," and I was like "OHHHH....thanks!"

Proving the first guy's point kind of?


Mister Magic said...

bone structure of other little crushed up bones!

Friends Forever said...

donny, do you know how to read?

Crystal Lil said...

No, he's right. My diet consists mainly of small to medium bones obtained from euthanized cats, rabbits, and ospreys. I metabolize the calcium and other nutrients from these to develop micro-deposits around various "strategy points" in my skull and spinal column.

Didn't you know that about me?

Friends Forever said...

you are making Lil pellets. i really should know this about you..now i will buy them off the internet and disect them for fun...

i once said "no one can break my bones...they are made up of other little crushed up bones"..i think donny was making fun of me....

Friends Forever said...

oh and also.... in jr. high people always called me darlene... i had her whole steeze going on.... i will try to find a picture and post it.. you will barf up.. we have sooooo much in common!