Ok then - let's talk about this article. I have to take exception to Crispin Glover because he reminds me of every self-consciously "weird" dude I have ever met and vibes me as totally asexual. There are legions (legions, I swear) of girls who would tear me limb from limb for saying that though.
If I could go back in time and hang out in the 70's, and the opportunity to bone Klaus Kinski presented itself, I have to be totally honest with you and admit that I would do it. I would do it for the same reasons people do other fucked-up, terrifying things, like spelunking, or attaching leeches to themselves, or going on reality shows.

I hear he's actually into stripper-y fake boob chicks, although Bettina and I always assumed he would be into scat play or something.
PS I have really been enjoying your blog since B told me about it.
we love your blog tooooo! we should all have a blog drink together...we can toast to weird dude scat play...orrr not... gross
oh..and by the way crystal lil... i am proud that you are blogging again... the internet missed you... AND your sick. all the dudes you want to bone look like they cry too much...WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? no one knows.
p.p.s. have you seen the crispen on letterman video?
"i'm strong.... i can kick.."
aaand. last night i was threatening to eat a whole watermelon and D said "my cat can eat a whole watermelon" you two have psychic watermelon minds. meep.
I think the thing about Glover's stripper-barbie predilections is true. I've heard it too. He probably doesn't even do it with them though, he just cries and cries into their hair extensions then makes them cut the crusts off his sandwiches.
I love blog drinking! It seems like these gatherings should only involve milk concoctions. Have a blog-in! I'll have the blog juice and vodka. Sick.
Still, definitely a lot better than stitch n' bitch sessions.
TFIG is all I can say.
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