1. ein riesiges Deutsh kaninchen..ganz verbindlich

2. I heard on tv that modern american life is really stressful because we all have to have jobs.. and when we get off work we have to make calls, cook dinner, walk the dog, go to "meetings" and program electronics ...and if you have kids you have to look at them and do a whole shit-load of things to make sure they don't end up like me ..it's enough to make a gal (or chap) go batty from stress!
here is my tip for you: take more time to slow down and notice the tiny beautiful details of life. choose a montra and repeat it while you are breathing deeply.. i like to do it with a plastic bag over my head..
here is a photo from a "my time" walk i took yesterday to the park. I was calmly repeating :fuck this earth... and look what i found..

3. no one has more fun than us.....look at what a good time we are having...
(photo deleted because you don't need to look at our faces-jerk!)
4. snack time ya' heard:
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